BFS Collection Boosts Local Foodbank at Christmas

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The team at Bridging Finance Solutions has once again dug deep to build a food parcel ready for donation to the firms local foodbank, the Trussel Trust.

This is the second consecutive year that BFS has supported its local foodbank charity and were keen to ensure they made a contribution during the festive season in 2019. The entire team donated to the weighty parcel which contained non-perishable food items as well as a cash sum.

Foodbanks rely heavily on the goodwill and support of local communities and businesses – over 90% of the food distributed by foodbanks is donated by the public. The Trussel Trust foodbank is a national charity with hundreds of regional branches that work to tackle food poverty and hunger in local communities.

Based on the ethos that ‘no one in our community should have to face going hungry’, Trussel Trust foodbanks provide three day’s worth of nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to the charity in crisis.

Jeanette Gwatkin of Bridging Finance Solutions commented: “It’s incredibly sad to know that people within our community are living below the poverty line and aren’t able to meet basic needs. Foodbanks provide an invaluable service and the Trussel Trust is a charity that we will continue to support, not just at Christmas but throughout the year.”

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