The Great North South Housing Divide

The difference between average house prices in the North and South of England is now £163,000, according to a report by a UK building society. That’s almost as much as cost of the average British home. Nationwide said that “prices in the North are now less than half those in the South, a record low.” Will the North […]

Combating Fraud in the Specialist Lending Market

Head of Underwriting at Bridging Finance Solutions, Rachel Davies, responds to the following question regarding fraud in the specialist lending marketplace: Is fraud a growing concern? What changes have businesses in the specialist lending market introduced in the last 12 months to combat fraud? “Yes, fraud is a growing concern for all lenders, as fraudsters develop […]

Close the HMRC Gap Using Bridging Finance

Whilst traditionally, bridging lending has been associated with property acquisitions, an increasing number of people are turning to bridging as a way of managing other short-term solvency issues. Bridging Finance Solutions are seeing an increasing number of customers using bridging to raise immediate cash flow, using property as security for the funds. Jeanette Gwatkin of […]

Bridging Finance in a Changing Market

The bridging industry is maturing and is a growing industry for those looking to access fast finance. Steve Barber, Managing Director of Bridging Finance Solutions discusses the key factors affecting the bridging finance sector for the following 12 months and considers the changes ahead. He commented: “A low interest rate environment has had the most […]

How Bridging Finance Can Help HMO Investors

Bridging Finance Solutions has reported a 100% increase in applications for HMO bridging packages compared to the same time last year. With this type of investment on the up, Rachel Davies, Underwriter at Bridging Finance Solutions discusses key factors to consider when financing and planning for an HMO investment using a bridge. “HMO developments can […]

Is Bigger Better?

Much of the bridging press surrounds the size of a deal in £Millions and how long it took to complete. Completion times, of course, are key but how relevant is value and does this make it a more newsworthy story? It is my experience, after 10 years in bridging finance, that the majority of the […]

Why Exiting Is Essential in Bridging Finance

Bridging loans should be used as a short term finance solution and as part of a wider plan prior to having long term funding in place. How you exit the bridging loan is as important as entry and must be considered and determined from the outset. Bridging Finance Solutions Head of Underwriting, Rachel Davies offers […]

Using Bridging Finance to Settle Inheritance Tax Bills

The versatility of bridging is gaining recognition with many turning to short term borrowing to overcome issues or obstacles surrounding matters of probate. Increasingly, homeowners (through probate) are using bridging to settle inheritance tax bills or release funds earlier from a pending sale, often to make improvements prior to sale, and enabling a maximizing of […]

What To Look For From A Bridging Provider

Bridging finance can often be the perfect short term solution, enabling a project to come to fruition or allowing borrowers to overcome an obstacle, however, time should be spent prior researching and considering a series of factors that will help realise a successful deal. Steve Barber discusses: “Understanding the deal that is being proposed and […]

Northern Lenders for Northern Borrowers

With business stronger than ever and with average lending enquiry exceeding £1million each week for Merseyside-based Bridging Finance Solutions, the company has revealed how it is lending around 70% of its short term loan to borrowers within the North and North West. Historically, Bridging Finance Solutions customers have spanned the UK, yet the past 12 […]