COVID-19: Support For Your Business

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The team at Bridging Finance Solutions Group are closely monitoring developments surrounding COVID‑19 and understand that some of our clients may be worried about the impact the current market turbulence and economic challenges might have on their personal or business finances.

We would like to reassure our clients that we will remain open for business and will continue to work collaboratively, meeting all funding requirements where possible, through these challenging economic conditions and ongoing disruption.

We are exploring new ways of working remotely and are able to guide clients and partners in the use of technology that will enable us to meet virtually in a safe online environment. We believe that this is the most effective way of safeguarding the health, welfare and wellbeing of our team and our clients as we move away from meeting face to face during this period of uncertainty.

BFS Group is widely recognised for its stability, safety and longevity. As we have done before, we will be working to support our clients and introducers in these unprecedented times and take this opportunity to send our very best wishes and good health as we weather this storm together.

Together, let’s make it happen!

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