What is the Role of Social Media in the Bridging Sector?

Social media has become a critical element in the bridging sector, as it has across almost every sector worldwide, financial or otherwise. There is an ever greater need to deliver slick messages in the fastest possible time to the widest available audience and social media has a proven track record of being able to touch […]

Fintech Part 3 – Consumer Experiences and Financial Services Disruption

With consumers’ needs and desires increasingly being at the forefront of new innovations and disruptions, the trend will likely be for services to be guided by the wants and needs of consumers. This will impact the future of money, transactions, markets, and marketplaces. One of the central trends will be the disaggregation of financial services […]

Why The Bridging Sector Will Remain a People-Driven Industry

John Hardman, Head of Sales at Bridging Finance Solutions (BFS) discusses the diversity that governs the bridging industry. Each bridging deal is unique. Every potential customer typically has established a plan and a vision of what they require and how the end scenario looks. It is the role of the bridging company to interpret that […]

Fintech Part 2 – Examples of Disruption of Financial Services

Financial Innovation is a long term dynamic, with aggregate advances reacting to developments in the financial sector. Those developments can take a number of forms, driving differing forms of innovation both by way of incremental change and total paradigm shift.  Laws and Regulations can change over time in different jurisdictions driving innovation and opportunity. For […]

How Short Term Finance Can Compliment Traditional Funding

Bridging Finance is increasingly being used by both individuals and businesses as a short term solution that complements and supports traditional long term lending. Lee Gilmore is a Business Development Consultant with Bridging Finance Solutions and has 21 years previous experience of Commercial and Corporate Banking. He discusses the growing trend in use of bridging […]

A New Audience With An Appetite For Bridging

As Bridging Finance Solutions continues along its pathway of continued growth and expansion, the firm begins to explore where new customer groups lay in terms of a wider demographic. John Hardman, Head of Sales at Bridging Finance Solutions considers the facts, reviewing trends across 2017 for BFS, and determines what makes a ‘typical bridging customer’: […]

Unlock Funds Trapped in Probate with Short Term Finance

Bridging loans are incredibly flexible and may be put to a variety of uses including resolving probate issues when concluding a will. When a will is presented between various parties, it can throw up financial hurdles. There are numerous benefits to be gained by fast tracking the settlement process and using a short term finance […]

The Key Factors Affecting the Bridging Sector Over The Next Twelve Months

The bridging industry is maturing and is a growing industry for those looking to access fast finance. Steve Barber, Managing Director of Bridging Finance Solutions discusses the key factors affecting the bridging sector for the following 12 months and considers the changes ahead. He commented: “A low interest rate environment has had the most significant […]

North and South – A Narrowing Gap?

Bridging Finance Solutions has been funding property development, conversions and refurbishments in the North for the past decade. A geographically specific market, predications suggest that house prices in the North of England will rise significantly during the next five years and the firm is therefore expecting a particularly buoyant market. BFS Managing Director, Steve Barber […]

What Impact Will Brexit Have on the UK Property Market?

Ahead of the vote, the Treasury voiced dire warnings of prices plunging by up to 18 per cent while price indices from lenders Halifax and Nationwide registered slowdowns in the rate that house prices are growing. For example, the Halifax index for April reveals the smallest quarterly and annual increase for five months. The lender’s […]