BFS Shows Support For Local Mental Health Charity

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Bridging Finance Solutions has made a donation to local charity, The Martin Gallier Project, to demonstrate its support for the fantastic work they carry out.

The Wirral-based charity was borne from personal experiences of founder, Jess Gallier, with an over-arching commitment to help,‘Prevent suicides, break down stigmas and support families in the North West.’

As a local firm with a family-centred ethos, the team at BFS were keen to demonstrate their support, aware that issues around mental health have been exacerbated for many during lockdown through continued isolation and loneliness.

Steve Barber, Managing Director of Bridging Finance Solutions explained: “The Martin Gallier project is a brilliant small local charity founded by those affected directly by mental health and suicide, an issue close to our hearts.

“We’re really pleased that we could help through a financial contribution and play a role in raising awareness of these important issues.”

Further information on the Martin Gallier Project can be found at

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